Digital Services

Make Your Campaign Stand Out

The digital space has never been more crowded. The DemsGive team and network bring decades of marketing experience to the table. We bring the most powerful tactics from the e-commerce world and apply them to the political space, helping your campaign or organization get ahead of the curve and maximize impact.

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Email Outreach

Email remains the best channel for reaching the Democratic community and engaging your stakeholders. But political email has become saturated and hasn’t evolved. DemsGive leverages dynamic content and best practices from the world of e-commerce to break though the malaise of the digital status quo. Our team of experts also has unparalleled expertise around new email regulations in 2024 and how to navigate them to save your email program.

SMS Communication

Texting is rapidly becoming a predominant channel for reaching the Democratic and progressive communities. Fundraising, GOTV, and supporter activation see some of the highest conversion rates and ROI. The DemsGive team and network has decades of experience around SMS and text-to-give. We manage the most productive, cost-effective campaigns in Democratic politics.

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Data & Lead Acquisition

Great digital campaigns are fueled by data. Millions of Democratic donors and tens of millions of loyal Democratic voters want you to win, but they have to be reached and activated. Smart targeting also ensures that you’re finding the right people, and not damaging your online reputation with batch & blast spam. The DemsGive team utilizes cutting edge practices and world-class data partners to help develop your best possible list.

Social Media Management

Democrats’ use of social media is hit or miss. You see some campaigns dutifully posting generic content and getting only a few likes. You see others building a movement online. This isn’t just about personalities. It’s about strategy. Any campaign or organization can significantly elevate its online presence using tested and scientific social media tactics. We can make that happen for you.

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Website & SEO

Website building has become one of the bloated profit centers for digital consultants. Democratic campaigns and orgs are charged an arm and a leg for templated, low-performing websites. The DemsGive team uses a proven approach to build high-performing websites optimized for donor conversion, supporter sign-up, and search engine rankings. With reasonable price points for every size – we won’t break your campaign treasury!


New public regulations and private service provider rules are sweeping across email, SMS, and social in 2024, threatening to derail even the best digital operations. Is your team ready? The DemsGive team has the expertise and relationships necessary to ensure that Democratic digital operations not only survive, but thrive, in this election and beyond.

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